When bones ache, something's going on. What do you think that could be?  The stressy areas like knee, shoulder, hip, are getting destroyed. What on earth could be doing that to your personal set of bones? That's easy. To see the whole cause/effect situation we have inside, let's analyze first, what dissolves minerals. Answer: acid. Where do we get Acid? From our noses smelling roasting proteins and secreting acidic digestive enzymes for that meat. That acid goes thru our whole system, and the more protein we eat, the more it has to go and the more it dissolves bones.

Yep. Let's analyze our meat eating habits a little.For gadzillions of years, we're hunters with some luck but not like meat in the fridge full time cuz there were no fridges. So we parsed the meat out with grains, vegies and fruits. Makes sense. Suddenly, along come cities with meat markets, domestic livestock then worse, fridges and freezers, meat up our wazoo! (And if anything impairs our ability to digest flesh, like aspirin, vinegar, mustard  burning the stomach mucosa, so that meat swims in no acid, it ferments and doesn't digest, you're burping like a champagne vat cuz you're fermenting and then this undigested protein causes kidney failure, the other danger of a meat diet.

So picture this, humanity starts using aspirin for headaches (due to constipation from meat eaten with white flour, toxic glue.) and whahappens? The inside of the tummy is burnt. No acid can even come out any more. Without that acid, meat no longer DIGESTS. Those who don't take aspirin digest meat three meals a day and dissolve their bones. Along comes every disease hitherto unknown to earlier mankind: Gout, arthritis, brittle bones, failing kidneys and dialysis. Nobody puts it together. Two centuries of this (among the wealthy, anyway.)

Suddenly,  in the early 1960’s, medical researchers discovered that a diet high in animal flesh and saturated fats white flour and tons of sugar was what had turned up as having been eaten by people with a spectrum of disease from kidney damage, cancer, atherosclerosis, strokes to osteoporosis, fibromalgia, also body pains from inflammation of joints and bumps and bruises from little skeletal accidents, which can later give body pain --- all of the above is MORE likely to cause health problems when there is a lot of acid in the body from trying to eat MEAT all the time. From smelling it wherever you go and from the Earl of Sandwich having that idea of smothering the meat with two greasy pieces of white, constipating flour product. Bread. Which should digest with saliva and doesn't digest when it's dropped in tummy with meat.

So get the picture-- that acid is the stomach acid and it's eating you and it's starting with your BONES. MEAT requires strong stomach acid to digest it. The second you smell your meat cooking, your stomach starts secreting this bone destroying acid. ALL acids repercuss on the BONES and cause erosion of the calcium, weakening joints, bones, and that gives the chronic pain. The body is signaling to you that something's wrong here. Meat is high in another substance called uric acids which stress the kidneys so that edema conditions started in middle age. This is very aging. Vegetarian proteins move through human kidneys with ease while meat protein does not. Animal flesh puts uric acid ‘puff’ on our faces over the years as a kind of edema built up. The proof is that elderly meat-eaters all look alike, having faces like round meat pies at age 60. You can see no resemblance to the person they were at 20, whereas vegetarians keep the facial contours of a 20 year old until they are 90. Think of actors Cloris Leachman and Dennis Weaver or Bionic woman, Lindsay Wagner all of whom have no facial change.

Animal flesh is high in saturated fats, cholesterol, hence it created heart disease and strokes, the #2 and #3 killers in the USA. What is less known to conventional science is that the human body tends to view animal protein as a ‘foreign protein invader,’ hence the meateater’s immune system is always deployed, on a state of Red Alert by all the meat coursing through the veins. HEAVY Meat eaters never have really good immune systems and are vulnerable to viral and bacterial attack.

MEAT MELTS BONES. The kidneys try to compensate for all the nitrogen in meat and rob the bones of calcium to do it. If you also have bruised bones, from earlier breaks, the result is PAIN in the bones. aching bones, the beginning of GOUT, swollen joints. And minerals fleeing the bones, all of which causes pain.

Doctors tell us that meat is an ‘acid’ reaction food and all that stomach acid and rotting meat running through our GI tract causes our bodies to turn acidic and that in turn makes us excrete calcium. Another theory is tht the acidic body fears melting and wants to return to an alkaline state and compensates the only way it knows. It withdraws alkaline calcium from the 'bank account' held in the bones! Scary thought! Excretion of minerals (prime among these calcium,) causes arthritis, gout, bone degeneration and osteoporosis making our knees melt into nothingness, our skeletons ache, especially where the joints had once been damaged, and making them shrink. Bones actually get porous and brittle and as the bone calcium moves around, settling inside the spine, compressing spinal nerves with resulting neuropathy. PAIN. Which is what you notice.

There are other foods that distress bones joints, make them ache, turn them to powder. These are the foods that are so acidic that they MELT all alkaline minerals. I'm talking about acidic ‘pop’ or sodas, pasteurized citrus and pasteurized tomato products as the heat makes them triple acidic. Then there's coffee and TEA --- the diuretics beverages Americans most often choose to drink, all of which wash away minerals wholesale.

NO DOCTOR would give diuretics to a patient without arranging for mineral replacement therapy yet we gulp acidic drinks as a skeleton-destroying way of life. Trump takes 15 diet cokes a day in place of food, his chum Bill O Reilly reports in the2019 bio. Horrifyingly, the bones of coke and pasteurized orange juice/ tea/coffee/pop drinkers are going through their bladders, down the pipes and into the deep blue sea. No wonder ocean water is such a fountain of minerals! A million years of our ancestors bones are probably floating around in it! (Only kidding.) AND FAKE SUGAR like Trump takes 15 x a day? BRAINS?

Besides mineral-excreting, there is one more problem with meat-eating. In the sixties, a legion of Tibetan and Hindu Yogi mystical gurus arrived in the U.S., telling us of the sensitivity and intelligence of all cows but most evident to farmers who raised these animals from childhood, saying that every animal in the barnyard was a conscious, friendly, loving creature. . They told us to imagine the fear and panic of a friendly, trusting being confined near a slaughter house, smelling their friends’ blood for days, then finally dragged to a bloody spot and butchered, some as babies, painfully separated from their mothers for the last week of their life. They asked us to imagine eating that flesh so full of fear and pain hormones and the karma of eating this kindly creature, thusly participating in his murder and its grief.

That thought works for me. I have become unable to look at meat in the butcher’s case. If these thoughts don’t stop you from eating animals, think of your karma and the lack of ethics at eating sentient beings. If that doesn’t work, there’s one more thing. The flesh eater inhales a large dose of the exact mood hormones that are in that terrfied animal contributing to our own panic and anxiety. Meat gives depression. Depression equals inability to be a joyous parent, wife, husband, a creative artist, a joyous human being. DEPRESSION blocks your art. So your diet is blocking your ability to be an artist, a writer. A New Age business person. A tycoon.

The artists of Age of Aquarius in Hollywood and New York and London heard about the mighty vegetarian diet back in the sixties, how soy tofu was great food, and we embraced these new trends full on --- I did about 3 decades ago. I am sixty and I still dig my own garden plots. Collect everyone's dried leaves for my compost pile which is thirty feet long. Shovel manure on top to rot it, wet it several times a week and I throw that on my green-growing beds. I don't dig it in as the worms below wouldn't like the shovel. I occasionally use a pitchfork hoping it passes them by. I eat my own greens as I have to watch my health.

Back in 1944, Doctors at the Yale Cardiology Clinic told my parents that I wouldn’t live to age 30 without open heart surgery but I have. I feel it’s my teen years, twenties and thirties I was a hippie in total vegetarianism and in later years, partial. Meaning, I get meat rarely. I use vegetarian proteins as often as I can. Until I’m at a party and there’s ROAST BEEF there! Yummy. Or roast chicken or turkey. I eat it. I DIVE in. But then I go home and eat hummos, avocados, tofu and am happy for a few days until I encounter meat again. So in my occasionality, I’m imitating the ways of our ancestors, the cavemen. Who had to make do with less meat as dinosaurs were infrequent. Hence there was no cancer in the old days. That’s a NOW thing.

 Many young Americans joined the vegan movement in the sixties and abandoned meat wholesale and switched to soy products. I remember feeding my children soy grits. MAN! THEY HATED THEM. Maybe rightfully so. Everyone thought that the soybean was a well-tested food with a good reputation. Soy had kept China going through 5,000 years of famines. The Chinese felt the soy bean was a fountain of Vitamins which prevented the hair from going white, but of course, orientals did not use the overbred, hybridized oil-giving bean we farm today, nor did they use the large variety of soy isolate products that Americans created. They used miso, tempeh and tofu exclusively. These are fermented and the vitamins and minerals in them are thusly assimilable.

FERMENTED TOFU? Well, in a kind of way. The beans are soaked overnight, the water thrown away. The phytase is dissipated by that 'bath,' The Chinese had tested the straight bean on its enormous population over the centuries and found that while pigs thrived on soy mash, the straight ‘bean’ could create health havoc in humans. There was something in it (phytase) that prevented assimilation of minerals, which could only be deactivated by fermenting. Oriental soy foods were then uniformly fermented as miso, soy or tempeh so the bean’s full nutritional bounty could be utilized. Or you can make roasted soy nuts. I hear they’re quite safe. But be certain to eat soy tofu, or soy nuts, roasted, and not soy powder, or soy isolates which distend the colon or soy milk which lines it with plastic ...but do have some SOY as it’s a youth maker food. A precursor of body hormones. It gives the body the juice to MAKE the youth hormones. See, you don’t need to eat meat to survive. I have seen gorgeous, big, powerful, disease-immune children whose parents ate only seeds and nuts, avocados, never touched animal milk or meat nor gave ANY MILK OR MEAT to the infant after birth. They breast fed, that’s all. My niece Marley is an example of fruit and nut parents and Marley is tall, has the legs of a chorus girl. At age four she was as tall as every kid in her class. AND disease free. So, I’ve seen that it is possible with her but also hundreds of other vegan kids I've observed. You can live on nuts and berries. But I’d recommend some protein meals, of avocado, TOFU, hummus, etc .. I have liver once a month to get my B-12. Fry it lightly with onions. G.Bernard Shaw, the writer, had liver powder to get thru being a total vegan.

If you go on this quasi VEG diet, you will purify, rejuvenate, avoid colds, other worse disease and be much more active, able to work longer hours, hence become a TYCOON. If you want to be much healthier, the idea is not to eliminate meat, but to try eating LESS meat. To lose that super toxic, acidic effect, digest the meat to perfection by not eating meat with starches or sugars or juices. BUT with green salads/ vegies wi. no starch. Use an alkaline ‘buffer’ of salad with every meat meal. Balance acid-reaction meat with a large salad and green vegetables. Meat and stomach acids will go through us faster and rot less and hurt us much less when balanced with alkaline greens. If we eat meat with starches, (a poor digestive combination as starches require an alkaline digestion,, meat requires acid) we get imperfectly digested flesh and a destructive fermenting in the G.I. tract. This in turn insults the kidneys, produces kidney damage and edema. Starches are also fiber-free and slow down the passage of meat, delaying it by hours, so that the meat has time to rot to a dangerous degree. This pollutes the colon, where most final, vitamin absorption is taking place. Slow moving wastes are toxic to the body. Re-absorption of rot is much more harmful than the small amount of cholesterol in lean animal products.

Use soy, vegetables, supplements, proper food combining and use proper cooking techniques to get around the phytase problem of soy, by using TOFU which is fermented, and you’ll be fine. The bounty of vitamins and subtle, solar energies that you find in plants, seeds, sprouts, vegetables far outweighs these tiny drawbacks which can be worked out.

To maintain strong bones and still eat vegetables and get their incredible vitamin bounty, SUPPLEMENT with calcium capsules. As today, all commercial farm soils are mineral-depleted, it is important to supplement minerals. There are many ways to go: ‘sea minerals’, ‘alfalfa tablets’ are mineral rich. So is kelp or dulse or the many kinds of seaweeds oriental stores sell for wrapping rice. Dandelions are found dried in tablets. Or, have huge dark green salads with a dressing made of good oil, to aid in those minerals being absorbed. My mother had much bone pain, went to a doctor who found her bones were melting. She started taking calcium tablets. Then the pain left. Distressed bones send us messages of pain. So, if you've got an ache, starting that extra calcium will take care of it.

There are many forms of calcium. Holistic healers feel that bone meal or Calcium citrate forms are the most assimilable. Make certain the formula also contains Vitamin D, boron, magnesium, selenium as this aids in assimilation of calcium. There are many other trace minerals, boron, magnesium, copper (*LIST). Supplement them. These will fully restore the minerals excreted by the body when phytic acid containing foods are eaten. Remember to take a Cod Liver Oil capsule when you do your mineral formulas as the Vitamin D helps minerals be fully absorbed.

LEARN THE SECRETS OF FOOD COMBINING: We have our proteins with greens. And between protein meals, we can have GRAINS with GREENS or vegies. Desserts are eaten alone. FRUITS are never combined with Salads or vegies. The tomato and avocado are both fruits! Notes on HANDLING GRAINS: Always soak and pre-sprout grains before cooking them. Two hours in water is enough time for them to spring into life. Discard the water with phytic acid in it. During World War II, when England turned to unmilled, whole grain products, English children began getting rickets giving healthfood a bad name over there. The milling process involved with their former diet of white bread had removed the phytic acid, so they did get their minerals but the whole grain proved tricky to thus unfamiliar with the acids in them. True, with the unmilled bread, heart disease disappeared in Britain. Their nerves were strong due to all the B-Vitamins in the whole grain and the Brits were able to take being awakened at night by horns, herded into shelters and the sound of being bombed every night! But the mineral loss produced rickets in the English children. So much for whole grain FLOUR! Whole wheat products have so much phytase that they literally can cause severe mineral depletion. But this problem disappears entirely if the grain is sprouted first. Today, healthfood stores offers sprouted grain bread. Frequently it’s called flour-less bread or Bible bread, Or Ezekiel 4:9 after the bible passage that goes "take wheat, barley, beans, lentils and millet and spelt, put them in a vessel, soak it before you make bread of it." VONS/RALPHS, two chains in California and all the healthfood stores I've seen carry EZEKIEL bread. It’s just the same cost as regular bread, but much more tasty!! To me, all whole wheat bread, even the best, tastes ACIDIC in the mouth. The rinsing of grains is what gives the no acid, no tooth enamel injury quality to it.

Want perfect health, B-vitamins? Yet no acid in your teeth? No flour created bread, brown or white for you. YOU can make your own bread. I have. In home bread making, if you are using flour, just let the yeasted dough rise for two hours at l00 degrees to deactivate phytic acid. But Soaked whole grains (rice, pulse, rye, wheat, oats, barley) triterated after a long soak, the acidic rinse water thrown on your plants, will help you say goodbye to the danger of osteoporosis.

All grains have that requirement. Oats, rice, barley. Pre-soak, throw water away, cook at low heat, supplement your diet with calcium plus absorption factors like D, magnesium, boron, and use soy products as often as you can, instead of the flesh of living creatures and I’m betting your bone pain departs! Your fat flees with it. Your dark circles under the eye fade and you never age, you always look bright eyed and bushy tailed and not only can you start chasing your dreams but you will attract those dreams automatically.

File I found online related to  PHONY BONE REMEDIES:

Sally Fields is an ACTRESS ... she gets paid to "act" and boy was she ever acting on the BONIVA COMMERCIAL!...Sally's Boniva Lie
                                       By Alan Graham
                               With Alfred Lehmberg

The very lovely Sally Field sweetly advised: "My Doctor said Boniva
works with your body to stop & reverse bone loss"

Immediately, I'm provoked to some metaphoric projectile-vomiting... See, when I think of
something "working with your body" I visualize a substance enhancing,
pumping-up, rebuilding, repairing, or rewiring... you know, generally
being positive and Probiotic (for life) with regard to bodily systems
functioning as designed. A good example of the preceding might be how
the trace mineral Chromium will help regulate blood sugar by making your
insulin "stronger" so you can take LESS pharmaceuticals or avoid Type II
Diabetes altogether. Another is how Krill Oil decreases Platelet
-stickiness without that pesky bleeding-out-if-you-scratch-yourself
characteristic allowed by harmful pharmz. Avoided pharmz again...

Compare this to the Antibiotic (against life) way that the vast
majority of the aforementioned Pharmaceuticals work, at best. These
block, inhibit, and suppress or  interfere with various systems and
pathways... and with some devastating side-effects much of the time!

A classic example here is the insidious chemical mechanism of NSAIDs
(aspirin) & Cox-2 Inhibitors like Vioxx. These block joint pain but at
the cost of decreasing your body's ability to repair the cartilage
causing the pain in the first place! Is that a freight you think you
should pay? Stripping away any corporate obfuscation or pecuniary spin,
let's look at how these Bisphosphonates work & see if they remotely
qualify as "working with your body"! Too, let's examine more closely how
their statement about "reversing bone loss" may be the most evil kind of
lie: the lie of the half-truth. See? It's an awful "half truth" that
Boniva reverses bone loss! Moreover, it prosecutes this half truth in a
horrible, conflicted, and unnatural way leaving you with MORE bone,
sure... but it is old, brittle, used-up bone. Unquestionably, these
Bisphosphonates (Fosamax, Boniva, etc.) are a poison specifically
designed to kill the hard working little Pac-Man cells, called
OsteoClasts, which gobble up old, spent, and worn-out bone.

This is a healthful activity the exact same way a "Controlled-burn" or the
occasional forest fire is healthy for a forest, reader! See the half
truth, if the old bone is not removed, it WILL cause an increase in bone
density but the "density" is accomplished with used brittle bone, so
ironically, hip fractures will increase a few years down the road.
That's pretty dodgy "density", for my money. And if that wasn't bad
enough, remember what I said about most Pharmz actually working against
your body, not WITH it? Well, because Boniva interferes with the
OsteoClast (with a "C") bone-removing activity, it causes a signal to be
sent to the little bone-forming guys, the OsteoBlast (with a "B") -
toslow the production of new bone... so you make less new bone & more
old bone is left behind... gee, how could anything go wrong there?!?

I do agree with Sally that you can't just take a big dose of calcium &
Vit.D and expect anything good to happen... really. This is especially
true if you take the default stuff heavily pushed by the "authorities"
ahead of the useful stuff - INorganic Salts our doctors & dieticians
push, I mean, recommend...

CRAP like Calcium CARBONATE, Magnesium OXIDE
& the weak in milk, just to start! FYI - Always use
Organic Chelated minerals like Calcium & Magnesium bound to Citrate,
Citrate-Malate, Amino-Acid Chelation, Krebs Cycle Chelation, etc. Also
use the natural, more powerful Vit.D-3: like from the Sun, Cold-ocean
Fish, quality supplements & raw Egg Yolks (the egg whites must be soft
cooked to convert a Biotin-Binding glycoprotein). This is the stuff that
works, remember. ...But yes, unfortunately, even doing the preceding
suggestions probably won't completely stop your bone loss... that takes
a complete, if achievable, lifestyle change. Along with diet, this
includes taking all the things necessary for the Cal./Mag./Vit.D to even
have a chance of working in the first place... so take LESS Calcium,
actually, but take MORE of the things helping those smaller doses of
Calcium taken to actually work as designed!

SUPPLEMENTS THAT WORK: Things like: 1).. Boron
(Citrate, Amino-Acid Chelated) - take 2 or 3mg daily. Very cheap (less
than $1 monthly) - Not found in most multi's. 2).. Silica - take Bamboo
extract. Very cheap (less than $4 monthly) - Not found in most multi's.
As a second choice use Horse-Tail (it is cheaper but Bamboo has 10 times
the Silica per volume). 3).. Vit.K - take supplemental K or eat lots of
green-leafy veggies. Vit.K is not found in most multi's. 4).. Potassium
(Citrate, Amino-Acid Chelated) - with each meal take 297mg (which is
three 99mg capsules) for a daily SUPPLEMENTAL total of close to is dirt cheap. Potassium only comes in 99mg doses because of
an antiquated law. This silly 99mg maximum allowed dose found in most
multi's & other supplements, is just not enough when you consider a
person needs from 2000mg to 2400mg daily. HOWEVER, you can't just take
that much as a supplement without running the risk of taking too much.
So, 297mg (3 x 99mg) of supplemental Potassium is a happy medium! This
is the equivalent of one small banana per meal. 5).. Chromium
(Polynicotinate) - take 200mcg daily in addition to the amount found in
your multi. (most multi's have about 120mcg). Don't confuse with
Picolinate...Polynicotinate is the superior form. 6).. Zinc & Copper
(Citrate, Amino-Acid Chelated) - take together... take 30 to 50mg of
Zinc in addition to the 15mg or so that is in your multi. Take 1 or 2mg
of Copper in addition to your multi, but not more than 3mg daily total &
NEVER take Copper without taking 10 or 15 times the amount in Zinc. So,
if you take 3mg of copper you must take at least 30 or 40mg of Zinc.
Caution: If you have copper pipes you should get tested for copper
before taking a Copper supplement. Copper can be toxic if you take too
much and/or don't take plenty of Zinc to balance it...but if you take
more than 100mg of Zinc daily, it too will become harmful after a while.
7).. 70+ Trace minerals - I like plant-derived Colloidal Minerals with
the toxic metals like mercury & aluminum removed. Remember, we're
talking over 70 trace minerals...not the formulas that only have the
handful of the "bigger" trace minerals that the MD's say you need. 8)..

Eat more fresh Alkaline-Forming foods like raw veggies & a little
whole fruit ...while avoiding the harmful Acid-Forming foods
like coffee, Soy, grains, carbonated drinks, TUMS &
all processed foods. Eating mostly processed Acid-Forming foods will
increase the amount of alkaline minerals, like Calcium, that have to
then be leached from your bones. DO NOT avoid "good" Acid-Forming foods
that are raw, whole foods like some berries, such as cranberries, are
slightly Acid-Forming. This means you don't have to go crazy trying to
keep track of every acid or alkaline food... it's simple, just eat
mostly raw or lightly cooked fresh foods & avoid processed, highly
denatured, high-heat, over-cooked foods. FYI: Lemon & Lime juice are
acidic to the tongue but are some of the MOST Alkaline-Forming foods out
there. 9).. ***REALLY the MOST IMPORTANT*** - stay away from SUGAR &
White Flour...both are highly Acid-Forming foods that cause arterial
inflammation & a dozen other bad things. Use Stevia or Xylitol instead
of sugar & flour made from Hemp, Sweet Potato or Coconut. Get Gluten,
Phytates & Oxalates from wheat, barley & rye out of your life. REMEMBER
- dense, high carb, starchy foods like Yams, rice, potatoes & beans are
"REAL" food, that are also Alkaline-Forming...but bread, cereal & pasta
is "Fake" processed food that is Acid-Forming & contains the #1 most
Gut-troublesome form of protein, Gluten. FYI : Hi-Gluten rice has NO the rice context it just means sticky/starchy. As for the
Calcium & Magnesium:  Take LESS Calcium - big doses are not going to
be absorbed & can cause problems like kidney stones. So it is better to
take 2 or 3 small divided doses totaling about 800mg or so daily of any
organic chelation with food - but NEVER use CARBONATE. Calcium can be
taken with magnesium (most brands come together in a Cal/Mag complex) -
which is fine but in reality you likely get better absorption if you
take them separately. FYI : Many wrongly think that Cal. & Mag. have to
be taken, they both have to be taken within the same 24
hour period. In fact Cal. & Mag. compete with one another for
absorption. Which does not mean they can't be taken together...they can,
but they must be small divided doses. Not a huge 1000mg tablet, taken
all at once, like NPR's Dr. Zorba Pasture ignorantly recommends. For
example - You could take 500mg of Cal. with supper & then 3 or 4 hours
later take 500mg of Mag. and it would work fine. But if you took 500mg
of Cal.& 500mg of Mag. at the same time, you would likely be wasting
some of each. However if you took 250mg of Cal. & 250mg of Mag. together
& then 3 or 4 hours later you took another 250mg of each, then you would
be OK...See, small doses. 2.. Take MORE Magnesium - (never Mag. OXIDE)
most formulas come at a Cal/Mag Ratio of 2to1 but a 1to1 ratio is
better... so take about 800mg to 1000mg of Mag in 2 doses of 400mg to
500mg, with or without food. A good way is take 400mg first thing in the
AM or take it mid-morning - then take 400mg to 500mg just before bed.
This big dose of Mag at bedtime will help you relax & increase
absorption. Taking big doses of Mag at a 1to1 ratio with Cal is not only
better for your bones but will do wonders for your Heart & Blood
Pressure. I cannot over emphasize how crucial this is...the currant
recommended 100%DV dose of 400mg of Magnesium is bordering on the
criminal. If the big dose of Mag. causes diarrhea...not to worry, just
reduce the dose for a few days & then slowly increase the amount as you
get used to these bigger doses. Mag OXIDE is particularly bad at
inducing diarrhea, so always use Organic chelation. And Folks, if you
really want to relax your heart & blood vessels, take a daily total of
about 800mg of Cal. BUT jack that Mag. up to about 1200mg. This might
give you slightly loose stools for a week or so but your gut will adjust
and you & your heart will profit. Vitamin D-3 : Lastly - And likely most
important is Vit.D-3. But there is a fine line, when taken
supplementally, between getting too much & the optimum right amount. You
can safely take about 1000iu of D-3 but that also might not be nearly
enough to overcome a deficiency (especially if you're black & live up
north). You might actually need 3 or 4 thousand IU's but you CANNOT
safely just decide to take those big doses orally w/o running a risk of
ODing! So I would do one of 3 things - get tested for Vit.D so you can
take larger doses if necessary by mouth, (the correct test is
25-hydroxy-Vitamin D test) OR get a mercola light system (I have one,
but they are expensive -$1300) or move someplace where the angle of the
sun is greater than 45 degrees...(your shadow must be shorter than your
height to make D-3). You can certainly find uVB light systems cheaper
than $1300 but please make sure they are safe & that they even produce
enough uVB to make Vit.D-3. If you get lots of sun or light from a uVB
Light System it can automatically run your D-3 up many thousands of
units if necessary... but then stop just short of being too
magic. You cannot OD on D-3 from the sun or a good light system, but you
must not burn, ever. BTW, Dermatologists that say stay out of the sun &
to slather on toxic (cancer-causing) sunscreen - should be put in jail.
Ask your Dermatologist why there is as much (maybe more) skin cancer in
overcast New England than in the sunny south. A lack of Vitamin D from
the sun will CAUSE SKIN CANCER & a dozen other ailments. Lastly, you
must do weight-bearing exercise...get 2 small dumbbells and do little
mini-curls as you take a brisk walk. Wow! The preceding was some heavy
lifting, eh? Still, that's an outline of the required lifestyle change
alluded to earlier. You wanted a chance at healthfully reversing your
bone loss, right? What to say about Sally? Is she just uninformed or
otherwise enthralled with a corporate driven medical mainstream...
deluding herself with regard to doing a "good" thing while making a few
bucks on the side? I would certainly hope so, otherwise she is a
capering imp with a sociopathic streak aspiring to a full-blown
psychopath, grand mal."

Questions? Alan Graham alan068@

POSTER's NOTE:  I'd prefer to remember Sally Field as that fresh faced
little girl who was flying around in a Nun's outfit or surfing the
Pacific or jumping up on cotton spinning machines in Norma Rae ..who
wasn't disgracing herself with lies & who could touch the tip of her
nose with her tongue like I saw her do on Merv Griffin once and who has
obviously driven BURT REYNOLDS insane as he didn't marry her but chose
LONI instead ... but I digress. We are here to learn about BONES.
Mr. Graham has given us the BIBLE on it. Print this out and go to the


ACHEY BREAKY ISH IN THE BONE DEPT? Yogi Bhajan gave us a simple to do exercise that BANISHES
swollen, painful joints. PULL a slightly OVER STRETCHED slightly painful yoga stretch on all meridians
on sick arm or leg. both if both ACHE.HOW? In case of shoulder elbow, hand.... EXTEND the ARM to get
max stretch on nerves!

 THROW UP YOUR HAND, move/ angle the ARM stretching ONE MERIDIAN,POINT HAND UP to maximize nerve stretch?
Inhale seven beats hold eight. A long slow inhale. ExHALE. INSIDE of arm second time u do exer.
MAXAMIZE IT WHILE YOU HOLD INHALE that will bring oxygen to this merididan . STRETCH THE NERVES
STRETCH THE LIFE he would say. Do arm every time u think of it.all arthritis crystals along
 entire arm and the extremity hand disappear.

 Same idea for goe/ foot arth/ gout/ the whole nine yards. Extend leg, sit with other heel in

crotch so the PAINFUL LEG IS STRETCHED OUT then LOWER THE nose to extended knee on inhale,
 hold while down. Even ask someone to push your nose to knee and hold you down
 IN ONE DAY! Also it helps to get uric acid crystals lowered with less protein
and MORE WATER BETWEEN MEALS. I did a buncha articles on subject--- the NATURE DOC'S REMEDIES PAGE

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Our POSTER is ANITA SANDS HERNANDEZ, Los Angeles Writer, Futurist and Astrologer. Catch up with her websites  TRUTHS GOV WILL HIDE & NEVER TELL YOU, also The  FUTURE, WHAT'S COMIN' AT YA! FRUGAL LIFE STYLE TIPS,  HOW TO SURVIVE the COMING GREAT DEPRESSION, and Secrets of Nature, HOLISTIC, AFFORDABLE HEALING. Also ARTISANRY FOR EXPORT, EARN EUROS....* Anita is at ). Get a 35$ natal horoscope "my money/future life, true career or destiny" reading now + copy horoscope as a Gif file graphic! No smarter, more accurate career reading out there!


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