THE LYMPH System and how to FIX IT. Lymph is an alkaline (pH > 7.0) fluid that is usually clear, transparent, and colorless. It flows in the lymphatic vessels and bathes tissues and organs in its protective covering. There are no RBCs in lymph and it has a lower protein content than blood. Like blood, it is slightly heavier than water. Lymph carries lipids and lipid-soluble vitamins absorbed from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Since there is no active pump in the lymph system, there is no back-pressure produced. The lymphatic vessels, like veins, have one-way valves that prevent backflow. Additionally, along these vessels there are small bean-shaped lymph nodes that serve as filters of the lymphatic fluid. It is in the lymph nodes where antigen (some toxic poison from the outside,) is usually presented to the immune system. The Lymphoid System then goes to work on it, and beats off the poison of infection. NOW, as a HEALER, you want to avoid pressing HARD on a lymph gland. You can move the lymph fluid thru those channels with gentle strokes anywhere on the body as the lymph is flowing or SHOULD BE flowing through conduits all over the body, but that lump, that little GLAND, you never press hard. They get inflamed if you do it. They're very delicate.

STUDY UP on the LYMPH SYSTEM. Read the material that’s available online. I found a marvelous study: which will imprint itself on your consciousness.

You will realize that if these little LYMPH sponges can clean the body, they will probably prevent all the horrors of disease that you fear happening to your family. Costly problems you want to avoid.

Healers want us to exercise to get the lymph flowing but also to make us breathe more. Breathing cleans out the body, aids the body in exhaling toxins through breath and sweat. The little sponges collect the toxins, the breath and sweat carry them out of us.

Read: about the power of Breath.

Read “BREATHWALK” available from Random House Gurucharan Singh Khalsa wrote it or there is another book called BREATHWALK, which you can get used for very little money, at ABE BOOKS. .

Read and now, remember, when you give a massage, do not PRESS too hard on one. Have your clients tell you where your massage does not feel comfortable or study these illustrations and get a sense of where the little guys hide.


Have some swollen lymph glands. Breast, armpit. Lumps. Slightly painful. So What should I DRINK, EAT? Well, I googled 'purification of lymph system" Get this regimen: "USE: Echinacea for acute swelling or infection. Calendula, Red Root, Cleavers, Yellow Dock, Prickly Ash Bark, Ginger, burdock, sarsaparilla, yellow dock. Root of sarsaparilla is supposed to help keep hormones in balance. Yellow dock is iron-rich, and can help to detoxify the digestive system. Burdock is a good antibacterial herb that may also reduce inflammation. Together these herbs are known to function as blood and lymph cleaners, in addition to their acne-fighting properties. Cleavers herb has a strong reputation among traditional herbalists as a blood purifier and lymphatic herb. It is used today as a cooling remedy in fevers and inflammations, for swollen glands, and for urinary tract infections. It’s purifies lymph promoting properties are partly responsible for its “blood purifying” effects. Use a trampolin and WALK! An increased flow of lymph attained thru motion promotes enhanced circulation of the immune weapons of the lymph glands, including T-cells and antibodies. GREEN TEA  may also purify the blood through its diuretic properties.

PROPERTIES OF Red root (Ceanothus spp.)SEE website where I got this:

Other herbal remedies for impure lymph system include lavender or chamomile tea to help one relax and reduce stress, the Chinese remedies of cnidium seed or honeysuckle flower, and blackcurrant seed or evening primrose oils, which the body is thought to change into a new product with anti-inflammatory effects. Herbalists or naturopaths can provide more information about the doses and preparations of these herbs. And do plenty of  RAW JUICES, especially Carrot, celery and parsley. 

My healer friend said rub tea tree oil on it. IF THERE is any sore lymph gland, also a sore throat, swollen throat gland, use  Mannatech Emprizone aloe vera with a Tea Tree and Grapefruit Seed Extract liquid. I keep them mixed in a bottle. Rubbed it under my jaw on top of swollen lymph node. I read that lymphs swell up to produce more white blood cells to carry away infection. Also read that one can rub Tea Tree oil on skin, but not for internal use, though one can rinse mouth, brush teeth with it and keep tooth brushes in it as it kills bacteria and virus. I myself did all this when I had a sore gland on one side of throat. Next day lymph node was same size as one on other side of jaw, pressure relieved and pain gone. Actually slept well.

Now, the last cure is to quit all mucus producing food. I believe that to be milk, flour. Switch to bible bread. Ask the clerks at the healthfood store what foods cause mucus. I notice that if I have flour based anything, even small amounts, by 4 am I come awake sniffly, not able to breathe. Figure out what foods stuff you up, where you wake next day stuffy. Add onions and garlic to your veggies and proteins as they thin out mucus. Read the MUCUS-FREE diets you find online.