A FRIEND says to JULES. "Israel is the only democracy in the middle east and its policy as a state entails the right of return of Jews to return to Israel. The Palestinians in articulating their wants have said that they want a Palestinian state plus the right of return of Palestinians who were expelled or left Palestine.

In that event, if that were acceded to by the Israelis, Israel would be numerically overwhelmed by Palestinians therefore nullifying israel as a Jewish state. It would become Palestine and the Jews would be expelled as they were from Iraq, Iran, Yemem and as they left Europe. They would once more be wandering around the world. Israel would cease to exist.

The Ham as and other radical groups started by Arafat, are being used by Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran and middle eastern countries surrounding Israel in perpetuating the problem because the solution of the problem is not what they desire, they desire to see the end of Israel. They also desire to hurt America. They regard US and Israel as one, as the infidels and ultimately their purpose is to perpetuate the autocracies in Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq and Iran, the Islamic world. They whole Islamic, Arab world is made up of kingdoms ruled by a single group including Kuwait. They disguise their inadequacies. They have never created anything except oil. They have suppressed thought in their country because they fear losing their wealth, power, influence. They are greedy. They want to hold on. America helps them hold on. There is greed in America, and they are also helped to hold on to their hegemony by the French, German, British petroleum. The Transnational oil corporations that have gone into Islam countries to exploit these countries and exploit the oil and with the consent of the Kings and rulers, to hold the country down while the West rapes them In the same way Africa enslaved their own. In the same way the Middle East has sent their oil to the rest of the world. In Kuwait the workers get a higher standard of living but in the rest of the countries, 80% sit around doing nothing except to be soaked up by radical organizations saying it is America's fault.

A TV. show solution won't work. Those countries are not interested in a solution. They want the destruction of America and Israel. We are in the middle of the third world war. It has started. It will get worse. It will go to potential annihilation. A horrible scenario,  exemplified by the Israeli Palestine undeclared war of violence, terrorism, retribution, eye for an eye metaphorical, historical stupid way of being that has been in operation for thousands of years.

Obviously, the imbalance and resolution of this dis-ease cannot be found in the way that is being proposed by any side in the issue. Sharon has his history, his beliefs, his political and social influences and they make no progress. As a matter of fact, they exacerbate the situation.

And the Palestinian leadership Arafat, etc., Ham as, are living as the effect and become causes in themselves from their own reactions to this eye for an eye, retribution insanity. The insight and the clarity of how to create balance and harmony and growth in this process, to bring about a resolution and eventually the peace and the love that must be the new context that all of the planet is now close to the edge of diving into. The truth is that the one who has the highest perch, who lives on the highest mountain top, has the most power and influence must be the one to come forward and be and propose and in this case, it would be Israel who has all the money, all the military, all the manufacturing of war implements and could create this form for peace and love. How? One being working at the grass roots level, could enroll for example, Charlie Rose, to become the moderator for the paradigm that is really behind the scenes working today in the United States.

When Tom Brokaw does a town hall with high level people from politics, education or science, or Charlie Rose has the leaders of Israel, the spokesmen from Palestine constantly on his nightly show which in a sense is a town home meeting because how many hundreds of thousands of people see all this C-SPAN and PBS every day, especially in the USA.

So Charlie Rose could create a town hall forum in Tel Aviv, in Jerusalem, broadcast all over Israel and US for C-Span and Turner and invite to that forum the leading not politicians, not those who are involved in no solving the problem but those who we never have seen who are the intellects in education, politics and grass roots that come from Ham as, the PLO and the different factions in Israel. It is so opportune at this time that appears one who can get the grassroots, the people who are looking and searching and listening and desiring that the thing that is in their hearts, which is peace and balance and harmony and brotherhood and most of all knowing we are all the same human beings. One humanity. In the way of this of course is the religious fundamental, righteousness of every faction, Christian, Hassidic, Palestinian, Terrorist, Israeli, political combined with all the other talking heads of the world who never see the forest for the trees which is 'we are all one. ' In one boat and it is time to clean up the mess by having the whole of humanity, all the people that now can hear, and they will spread the good news to those who don't listen and are couch potatoes, drinking coca-cola.

In this context, this paradigm of a town hall, directed by Charlie Rose or Tom Brokaw, one who wishes to be the heart and soul of peace and love, and knowing that it is so simple. The simplicity is in the willingness to for Israel to invite all of the Arab world, Palestinians and all the other fundamentalist groups from wherever, noting for instance that in Iran, the general population already is not interested in polishing stones with their foreheads, bowing down to Mecca everyday and thinking it is some reality let alone the Hassidic fundamentalists thinking that they know what's right or born again Christians, etc. Or Sikhs Hindus or Buddhists, all mouthing unbelievable pomp and ceremony having no roots in higher consciousness. Higher consciousness can come with the invitation to those who have less with the rule in the invitation itself, which has the proviso.. that they may be equal to those who have more and sit at a table in which all the proposals have nothing to do with anything related to the imbalances (as Einstein said, a problem can never be solved on the level of the problem,) that are created from each person's self-righteous demands.

Rather, let us have this table be full of people who only come there to create that which has never been proposed and they will actualize the dream of peace and love by allowing only that which proposes, directs and creates satisfying all parties involved from the point of view that we are all brothers and sisters in the same pursuit. This could look like giving the Palestinians exactly what they say at this round table, what they really want. Make them articulate in absolutely dogshit language, we want and follow up with we see, if this could be done for us, we would have no terrorism, no animosity, no need for retribution as we are getting exactly what we say we want and need from you to give to us.

Starting from there, you then know exactly what it will take if the participants are honest and able to articulate the true heart's desires of their people and that's why you must have very deep thinking profound, open-minded experts from all sides at this table who will enable their Israeli counterparts to see what is needed and wanted and how to implement this and facilitate this to bring about trust, that peace will be automatic after all agree that this is the way. And that way is the way of all the gurus, masters of wisdom, leaders that all the religions were founded from, and to finally have the message from them materialize and manifest as the ultimate solution. We all know they said the most beautiful inspirational spiritual enlightenment metaphors that are never lost and never killed, no matter how much killing an losing and dark sided Hitler types breeders of separation and fascism in their sleepwalking have created and provoked. Their constant worrying and ego maniacal efforting at solving that which has no solution. That is to say that all conflicts, all cleavages are illusions where there is lack of love and will all dissolve into thin air when there is an abundance of knowing our oneness and sameness which is the only foundation for true, unconditional love and peace.

JULES: Everything that Frank Unruh has just stated and so eloquently laid out in the very capsulized form is the reality of what is going on. That's what's happening. That's the honest to God truth. That's how people are lined up. Israel wants to survive as the adversary is determined to eliminate them. If someone is trying to kill you, you're going to fight at the highest level at all costs to defeat him or her so you won't get murdered. Therefore the proposal to bring all parties to a table and not the parties that believe that what Frank has just said but parties who are above that. I propose that a Charlie Rose be the moderator for people from those two sides that are above this thought of inevitable catastrophe, Armageddon. That people will always be the same as this conflict has demonstrated now in the future as they have always been in the past. and will end up in the same juggernaut of no change. The miracle on 42nd street is always brought about by some one or some body some grass roots, well intentioned brightest of the bright who starts with one to ten people and spreads, unnoticeably to evolve the planet into the golden age, into a new age, into the age of Aquarius as has been truly prophesied by the great minds the great saints. Shakespeare was not writing about everything ending up in catastrophe. They were pointing at the stupidity of megalomania and fascism and pointing in the direction of the stars of illumination, enlightenment and most certainly the reality of the golden rule. That is the paradigm, the model for this town hall meeting. This is not a town hall meeting at the table to again rehash the old bullshit, the old Bush shit, but to relate in love and brotherhood the new bull and Bush character of Godliness, love, equality, the bill of rights, the constitution, all men are created equal, the purpose that Lincoln had, the purpose that Benjamin Franklin had, the purpose that Tom Paine had and certainly the purpose of all the Plato’s, Socrates, Spinozas and Blavatskys as well as the great white brotherhood masters.

This I know and so do all the other giants of culture, has never been able to be inculcated into the masses (as one great master said, only time alone can evolve the ignorant masses). That this is the time. The time has come that the so called ignorant masses are ready for enlightenment and to be pushed over the edge into the gap and fill it up with their peace and love is all there is. There are millions of lovers of God over there, they just don't put them on TV. They know there is only love and peace in the universe. All the rest is an ego talking it to itself out of need, greed, grabbing and stabbing, rather than sharing and caring and seeing that we're all one being in different bodies.

Now is that time. There is no Armageddon. There is no catastrophe coming. There is no end of the world. This is the end of the world and where it ends, the beginning is in the void of the clear lake of silent conscious awareness that sees and knows intuitively that all is well and the kingdom of heaven on earth will be here in ten years or less. Because the thought is the thing. Because your feeling creates your emotions. Because all of your words, ideas, projections from your mind are creating reality. Let us not lose sight of the fundamental transitional, transformational language that has occurred in this last fifty years. That is the language that knows 'I am responsible for everything in the universe.' What I do to myself. What I do to another, what another does to another. In that definition of responsibility is the truth that we are cause in the matter, what we are cause of, is our speaking, thinking, listening, reactions and actions that can produce good or evil, Hitler or Christ, Buddha or the devil, or only the creations of the individuals that occupy a space at any time. Look around and see the love.

FRIEND: There's no love over there. Anywhere between those two parties.

JULES: Bullshit. There is love everywhere there are humans, women, children, laughing, playing, only interested in life that is harmonious and lovely. It is buried in their harts and will come out as angels, miracles of change instantaneously when you create this forum that spreads from ten people to winning the entire election as in Yugoslavia. An election let Milosovic go.

Osama is a spiritual man. The miracle will occur when Osama says 'oh, what a jerk I've been. I didn't tell the truth to myself, that hate and killing never works.' The question is when will they all find out? Before they die? The minute they do die they'll find it out when their consciousness snaps into objectivity and says 'what did I do that for?'

That's what the miracle will occur out of. Aha, Now I see. I've been thinking wrong and hating my friend for betraying me when my friend was only ignorant. SO now my friend becomes my friend again. It doesn’t matter who says this won't work and who can't see it because they don't see the forest for the trees. There are people out there, like me, by the hundreds of thousands and millions, who will bring about this new age in spite of everybody's resignation and ignoring of the fundamental truth. Which is that the only thing that works is harmony in a relationship. And the only thing that doesn't work is combatance, adversarial ness. The light force, universal cosmic beings that are much more powerful than anyone you have ever known, will be known soon enough.

FRIEND: Jews remember total annihilation. They don't believe that.

JULES: You’re not Jewish. I'm not Italian. There are no Italians, Germans or Africans. There are only human beings. Some get enlightened. Most believe what they read in the newspaper and others make up their mind to think they know everything. I don't know anything because I'm every man. In the heart of his soul, spirit he knows goodness, benevolence, love, receiving, serving and alluding to the highest thought in his innermost conscience. That will supercede all the thoughts, ideas, judgments, and yammering mind that never wants to give in to the ruthless rules of reality which are truly given by the saints that exist always.

By coming together and sitting at the table, and me allowing you to tell me exactly what you want and me allowing you to get exactly in agreement, that's all I'm interested in. I'm not interested in what you see as the illusion of fragmentation and fascism and fundamentalism all being against one another. I'm only interested in resolving that, that we're all together in the same boat, going to the highest level of harmony and togetherness an let us make love, sing and create things. Now, you say that's impossible. I say that's the only reality. You say it will never occur because I'm Jewish and an eye for an eye and we had to get out of Germany because we'd have been married. We created Hitler. All of us, The English and the Americans. When we don't allow that to happen by making Hitler see, by putting him in a processing therapy group where he can wake up and all the criminals that he objects to, to see that they have only one need, the crying out for love.

There are no problems that can't be resolved immediately by solving the need for the cry for love, the need to feel waned, acknowledge, appreciated, the need to get over disappointment, discouragement, ignorance, poverty. We can solve all those things. We have the technology. We have the spirituality and will, now let us use it. All those who are adverse to it, who see now ay out, who only see the past and see problems and see no light at the end of the table have never read the bible, the Course In Miracles, the Koran, Conversations with God. Let alone Shakespeare, Shaw or Plato or Pythagoras or Buddha.

Take on their challenge, their philosophy, methodology, insight and become a chela, a disciple of that state of consciousness and you will no longer be confused but realize there is nothing to solve, Only to give up the idea that there's anything wrong and remember that we are all one, beautiful, loving consciousness.

FRIEND: There are six billion people, x amt of land, x amt of people. There are people who want your land and food.

JULES: Isn't that always the myopic view? Until one who has insight comes and as victor Hugo said 'where there is no insight, the people perish,' -- All civilizations perish.

FRIEND- I've lived in Kashmir where the Pakis are looking and saying that's our people, our land. If they come to the table and ask for what they want, they want Kashmir. Let us give them houses, not bombs. Let's make all the farmers in Columbia growing cocaine grow fruits and vegetables and pay them more for this. We're spending billions on helicopters. Let's give the farmers the money. Every person who defends the position of the way it is can never break out to progress. You can't break out of a mold that you're living in. You can't get out of that thought system until you open that mind to a new system. Any thought system that anyone has, they are controlled by and they are bound to. They become the reflection mirroring that thought system that they live by, opine with. Any opinion is hopeless. We're not talking about opinions. I only have insights. I know from 55 years of allowing every great spiritual master to teach me, ones that are here and ones that I channel just from my open-mindedness, have given me the ability to have no thought system, no rules, no opinion, but to see what is needed and wanted and to be able to bring that to the table, to the people. Russia, China, America, England, have never done it for their people? Why? They live in the thought system they created and think that's the only way until it goes down in flames like the stock market. Like the competitive crap between nations. Because they're only three ascension attitudes. Praise, Love and Gratitude. Not competition, expectations and selfishness. None of that will work. That is the thought system you were born into and have somehow believed you were the victim of. That's all the same mold that the thought system is made out of. Separate individuals, an eye for an eye, that who is the strongest is the victor. Jesus said the meek will inherit the earth, seek the kingdom of heaven all else shall be added onto you. Two thousand words have passed and now those words will be understood by all. There was no Christianity when Jesus had those thoughts. There was no Buddhism when Siddhartha was a master. So let's uplevel, go to the highest thought and see what that can bring as the end of Armageddon. The Solution is an immersion into the beautiful water of higher consciousness called love and peace.


NOW, Let us change the subject to the body's dis-ease. I have found that all the input that I get from the questioning and the quest for health information techniques and insight into how the whole body disease relationship is occurring is making sense. The greatest revelation that I've had through all the years of experience with hundreds of health practitioners came to me today knowing that the body is constantly adapting to the way in which we are inputting through the mouth, through our beliefs and through our addictions, desires.

Our output first through the elimination of the food we take in every day. It always has to be a garbage disposal process. The side effects of these things, especially the intake of food and other things out mouth create the strength of the body to keep itself in balance or upset the balance, becoming pained, uncomfortable, resorting to any kind of therapy that will relieve you from a bandaid to chemo, all of which, all medicines and technologies are band-aids.

It's the body. Only the body can heal itself when it is allowed through the technology and the relief of knowing, intuiting and actually practically doing that which will uplight the body, align it, allow the blood to be purified, the colon to be detoxified and the particular dis-ease is vanished and finally overcome.

For example. If I eat a meal with the condition of having a tumor pressuring the colon, i.e. the intestines and it creates bloating different secretions to make it easier when the colon is having such difficulty and working so hard to digest and eliminate this little amount of food because the body system called the elimination organs are stressed. The blood heats up. Calcium in your blood is exacerbated. Energy level falls and you feel like crap. After one or two hours after you eat, slowly at first, the reactions of all these things occur and become intense as a few more hours pass and then depending on how much you have abused the eating of cooked food, combinations of cooked food and other foods, raw food or juices will create that amount of intensity of discomfort until the body relieves itself through bowel movements, enemas exercise, cold showers and pure patience to bring in the energy to have all these discomfort symptoms disappear until the next day when you repeat that cause of the discomfort, again.