liver and onions, only food with vitamin B-12
                      in large quantities. EAT MORE LIVER. WHAT DOES
                      LIVER DO? REJUVENATE!

Benefits of Eating Liver - Our Most Nutrient-Dense Food!

When I flame heat my corn tortillas, pluck a bowl of arugula or romaine and prepare to eat tacos, I want either fried fish or fried liver as FILLING as these are the two most delicious foods that I can afford. (I like steak but it's 5$ a lb. Liver is 2$ I buy frozen bulk fish fillets for 2$ an lb. Get chicken at 99c and I love it too.) But what I GET WITH LIVER that I don't get with fish is YOUTH. My hair at 75 is still brown. My facial skin still plump. My energy still good. I attribute that to the huge amt of B COMPLEX in LIVER.
Beef or calf liver can provide you with nutrient-rich storage deposits in your ENERGY BANK ACCOUNT of our most desirable VITAMIN. B COMPLEX. When sourced from healthy, grass fed cows, liver is absolutely loaded with a wide spectrum of vitamins, minerals, proteins and fat. It is particularly rich in the key nutrients that help keep our brains healthy. These include the essential fatty acids EPA  DHA and AA  as well as vitamin B12.

Benefits of Eating Liver - Our Most Nutrient-Dense Food!

Vitamin B12 Jackpot!

Most animal foods contain some amount of vitamin B12, but by far, the best source is liver which should be eaten at least once a week. Many disorders of the nervous system result from vitamin B12 deficiency causing a myriad of illnesses and behaviors. So if you are experiencing vague symptoms (related to a less than optimal functioning brain and nervous system) such as difficulty in thinking and remembering, panic attacks, weakness, loss of balance, numbness in the hands and feet, or agitated depression, make sure that your source of vitamin B12 is from healthy animal products, especially a premium source of liver. Vitamin B12 is only well absorbed from animal sources, with liver being the most concentrated source.

Additional foods with B12
include sardines, mackerel, herring, salmon, lamb, Swiss cheese, eggs, haddock, beef, blue cheese, halibut, scallops, cottage cheese. chicken and milk.

If you cannot bring yourself to consume liver and have tried it fried in oil (after dredging in flour) and cooking ONIONS in the pan, then desiccated liver from cows is a great alternative. Taken in the form of desiccated liver capsules provides the easiest and most convenient option. Added to soups, gravies, stews, smoothies, broths, etc., desiccated liver powder is a great way to introduce liver into diets of those who don't care for the taste and texture of liver! But my Mom and Dad were fans of GAYLORD HAUSER and served liver regularly so I just love the stuff. Serve it to your family, too for long life, health and a total lack of NEUROSIS and AGING.

Benefits of Eating Liver - Our Most Nutrient-Dense Food! Quite simply, desiccated liver contains more nutrients, gram for gram, than any other food!

Think you can't handle the IDEA of this part of the cow? NO PROBLEMA!  Desiccated Liver is what playwright/philosopher, early progressive activist George Bernard Shaw used to take. (
He stood on a soap box to lecture from in Hyde Park, trained to every city in England to give free speeches on FABIANISM.GBS was a vegan but he KNEW that nothing in the VEG kingdom had B COMPLEX. (Enough to make him as spunky and prolific as he was.)

Having a stupendous IQ, he knew he had to resort to THE FOUNTAIN OF B's --- LIVER! The B COMPLEX vitamins had just been discovered back then. Sure enough, he had all his marbles thru his 94th year and was PRUNING his orchard on a ladder when he fell off and a badly set broken leg BONE took him away from us. His writings live on, most famously in the ORIGINAL PLAY that became MY FAIR LADY. "PYGMALION" (Ancient Greek myth about a statue named GALATEA that the sculptor PYGMALION loved and which (thru intercession of a goddess,) came to life. Just like you will come to life when you use liver regularly in your diet. YOU WILL BE GALATEA! AND LIVER IS YOUR PYGMALION! YOUR FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH.

So Bite the bullet, picky eaters. LIVER IS TASTY, MAGIC, CHEAP. MAGIC. Liver WILL KEEP GRANDPA AND GRANDMA'S SOCIAL SECURITY CHECKS COMING in for an EXTRA FEW DECADES so DO GET the Grampops into the NEW WING of the house. Who needs a garage? Get a city permit to add earthquake support, bathroom, plumbing lines, closets and the money and free childcare just pours in!

grandparents as baby sitters, the garage
                        becomes their home, refurbished according to

Where are we taking the grandkids after school? Library? Park? Beach? The Y?
How about the Senior center. They'd be a real hit! There's a new DISNEY flick and
the sunset matinee is half price. We could have ice cream sundaes first. Honey that's
good fifty bucks all tolled. SO? We're sitting on a few hundred THOUSAND a year.
Family gets all our Social security, we baby sit full time, we live in garage refurb!
We cook all meals as it's our pleasure to do so. WHAT's not to like? Oh and
your kids turn out moral, healthy, disciplined and know what LOVE IS!


So that's the riff, folks. WITH LOVING, LIVELY SENIORS around, --vital ones, ---you get free babysitting. You get the KEEPERS OF THE FLAME, able to recount hours of HISTORY as they have time to describe in detail to youngsters what went before. And what's what politically. ON TOP of that you get a huge rent contribution. Plus and this is a biggie --- No GOV reaching in a grabby paw and taking from their ESTATE to pay for YEARS of costly OLD AGE HOME STORAGE and medical fees. So they can sell the house, buy a RENTAL and rent it out for additional income.

ALL OF THIS LIVER can deliver to your family. It is a cheap protein, an excellent source of high-quality protein. Liver cuts down on your need for all those starches you consume which do you no good, just inviting DIABETES. Eggs and re-fried liver strips in the morning out nutrition toast any time!

LIVER Contains all of the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K
Is Nature's most concentrated source of vitamin A, which is rapidly depleted during periods of stress, as well as by consuming a low-fat diet
Liver has All the B vitamins in abundance, particularly vitamin B12 which is BRAIN FOOD so may prevent this epidemic of ALzheimers!
One of our best sources of natural folate though broccoli is no slouch.
Is a highly usable form of iron
Trace elements such as copper, zinc and chromium; liver is our best source of copper
CoQ10, a nutrient that is especially important for cardiovascular function
A good source of purines, nitrogen-containing compounds that serve as precursors for DNA and RNA

WHAT SINGLE OTHER FOOD HAS THE WORD "LIVE" IN IT???? I rest my case. I think that says it all!